Latest Product from National Athletic Goods

It's that time of year when it's still nice and sunny outside but as the sun dips and the leaves start to fall there is a definite nip in the air and we couldn't be happier as it means its sweatshirt weather.
So imagine our delight when up pops Parcelforce Pat with our delivery of Autumn Winter 2020 product from National Athletic Goods (not like it's been planned out for nearly 12 months or anything).
If you've been following "This Thing Of Ours" for a while, either via our newsletter, instagram or in store then it's likely you will have heard me witter on about the quality of National Athletic Goods products on many occasions already, so I'm going to keep it brief.

Quite simply the Canadian brand produces some of the best sweatshirts and t-shirts I've owned. I've got Sweatshirts and T-Shirts from the brand that have been worn almost weekly for years and for me they just get better with age. On a personal level I can't recommend the product quality highly enough and that's not something I take lightly but its something I can do with confidence with National.

It's a real shame but this kind of quality is just simply harder and harder to find these days. It's been eroded by big brand corporations seeking out higher margins and dare I say it?..... not wanting your purchase to actually last that long, so you buy another one next year or even in a few months!

Despite this commercial pressure National Athletic Goods stay true to their values producing hard wearing classic sweatshirts and t-shirts made from the best quality jersey & fleece they can lay their hands on (often imported from Japan). Once you've owned one its hard to look at humble t-shirts and sweatshirts the same again.

You certainly wont look at the "cheap" ones in the same light again thats for sure. Just do a quick "cost per wear" calculation and it doesn't take long to work out where the true value lies. We know where we will put our money.