Latest Release from GoopiMade

Our latest product drop from our favourite Taiwanese brand GoopiMade will be hitting the store on Saturday 5th August and is sure to be a welcome addition for fans of the brand.
First up is the VT-01 Blindfold T-Shirt and it's reference of the "Three B's" T-shirt series from the 1950's. These classic T-shirts by Mayo Spruce featured the composers Beethoven, Brahms and Bach and the originals are now legendary in vintage t-shirt circles. The team at Goopi have collaborated with graphic designer Terry Sun for their take and his design inspiration for covering the eyes is taken from the 1977 classic cover from the Sex Pistols' second single "God Save the Queen". Disruptive and yet classical, rebellious yet refined.
And for those of you who missed out on the Wide Boy shorts earlier this year, or even if you're one of the lucky ones that absolutely love theirs, then we have a small re-release of the famous short in some new colours. These will be the last shorts we stock from Goopi this year so once they are gone that's it until next year. Don't sleep.