Comfy Outdoor Garments Spectra Fibre Fabric

If you follow This Thing Of Ours on instagram or subscribe to a newsletter you will have undoubtably heard me banging on about Spectra Fibre at some point. This fibre that sounds like something out of a Spiderman comic is one of the worlds lightest and toughest fabrics and is currently being used applications such as military ballistics vests for its flexibility, lightweight and strength.
But what exactly is Spectra Fibre?
Spectra Fibre is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre that is stronger and lighter than most other fibres available. It is actually 15 times stronger than steel and lighter than most natural, synthetic and composite fibres available on the market.
It is also remarkably versatile and can be blended with natural and synthetic fibres to form superior products and materials.
These products include everything from bullet proof vests through to the high-performance apparel & outdoor kit as we've seen from Comfy Outdoor Garment over the last two seasons.
Comfy Outdoor Garment have been working with Spectra Fabric for some time now and in typical fashion where Japanese outdoor brands lead the mainstream generally follows albeit a few years later.
Comfy Outdoor Garment have continued to advocate Spectra fibre in a range of products for SS20 from Backpacks, Sacoches and Waist packs through to the amazing Spectra Kiltic Shorts and the Dual Purpose Vest with Spectra Fibre.
If you get the chance, pop into the Manchester store and check out this fabric of the future in person.